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UAPD Press Release: University at Buffalo Resident Physicians Authorize Strike
WIVB Channel 4 Buffalo:
Watch full press conference here, full video on bottom of link:
‘None of my colleagues want to strike, but I don’t know what else to do at this point’: UB resident physicians discuss intended strike
“For significant amounts of time, we are the only doctors available in hospitals like ECMC, The VA, and here at Buffalo General. we look after your loved ones when they’re at their weakest. We stretch ourselves thin caring for them. And despite all this, not once have we asked to work less or do less. What we’re asking for is good healthcare plans and comparable wages. After a year, we’ve seen nothing but resistance, delays, and a failure to bargain with us meaningfully.
Make no mistake, come September 3rd, when we strike, the powers that be are going to cast blame at us; 831 physicians. They are going to say that we’re jeopardizing patient care, or that we have a moral obligation to go back to work. They are going to play on our innate sense of empathy for our patients. but let me say out loud what we all know is true; when we strike, every patient that receives inadequate treatment here, every second more a patient waits in the ER, every stress placed on our healthcare colleagues, and every family member who suffers from this work disruption is the result of corporate greed and the continued decision not to do what is right. Nothing more.”
– Dr. Steve Moran, PGY2 Internal Medicine
Buffalo News: More than 800 UB resident doctors could go on strike next month
Buffalo News: UB resident doctors say they ‘don’t feel valued’ for their work
Buffalo News: For UB resident doctors, progress has been ‘creepingly slow’ in complex talks for first contract.
Spectrum 1 News: UB resident physicians, union continue fight for better wages, benefit
Residents and Fellows:
Contact [email protected] for more information or to file grievances.
“Make no mistake, come September 3rd, when we strike, the powers that be are going to cast blame at us; 831 physicians. They are going to say that we’re jeopardizing patient care, or that we have a moral obligation to go back to work. They are going to play on our innate sense of empathy for our patients. but let me say out loud what we all know is true; when we strike, every patient that receives inadequate treatment here, every second more a patient waits in the ER, every stress placed on our healthcare colleagues, and every family member who suffers from this work disruption is the result of corporate greed and the continued decision not to do what is right. Nothing more.”
– Dr. Steve Moran, PGY2 Internal Medicine